--Why is it that every time i toss and turn and can't fall asleep AT ALL, [Or at least not til 4 o clock in the freakin morning,] that i wake up super super early, and can't get back to sleep. I really think it is the most frustrating thing in the world. Especially because i cannot keep myself occupied all day. I have a broken foot, i'm grounded, there is nothing to do at all.
But i'm keeping a positive outlook about all this, right? Riiiiiiiight.
On to the next item of business, a little less angry, alright, a lot less angry, just more contemplative.
But, I'm the queen of non-commitment, and i get scared to death and run away with the first sign of something serious. So we'll see what happens. I'll keep you posted, or I won't. I just really feel it's about time for me to get over this, and give it a try. I do think i've been saying that for the past who knows how long though, and so far, i've had no luck.
Anways, i must go enjoy this beautiful cripply grounded day. I'll probably be back. You can't keep me away for long, and hey..
what the hell else am i gonna do?
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